Just lost my beautiful 16 year old cat Coco . The next few crafts are dedicated to him.
I made this little kitty about 17 years ago when my daughter was 6 years old. It is easy to make, looks like a cat using basic shapes and needs no modelling skills, can be make with plasticine, Fimo or Sculpey Clay or home made dough.

If using plasticine, this will be just an ornament as the string will cut through the plasticine material.
For Fimo clay you will need to bake the object so that it hardens and can be used as a necklace or an ornament.
Home made dough depends on recipe you use and if it will be air dried or baked. I have a few recipes pinned on my Pinterest board if you are looking for the ideal dough.
Materials needed
- Any colour Clay/dough/plasticine
- Ruler or Mat with grid
- Plastic knife or other cutting implement
- Toothpick or wooden skewer
- Tray to bake item
Instructions for Cat
Body of cat
Use a small ball of your clay material about 1 inch diamiter

Roll your ball of clay to about 5 to 6 inches long snake like piece.

- Cut a piece about 3 inches long and form an arch ( upside down “U” ) the two ends are the front and back paws of the cat.
- You can form little paws, I did not.
- Make sure that your “U” balances correctly and that it will stay standing. This is important if using as an ornament
3 inche strip for body of the cat arch that forms the cats body
Head of cat
- Cut a dime size piece of clay and form it into a triangle
- Pinch the two points of triangle to form “ears”
Tail of Cat
A small piece rolled into a rope /snake shape will form the tail. You can choose to use about 1 inch piece or longer.
Finish the cat
Attach the triangle head
cat with tail and head attached to body front view of cat
Bake as instructed. Enjoy!