When I was making my Halloween Brag book I had this wedding album in mind, and although the dimensions are different (8 x 8) from the Halloween brag book, I knew that the digital files were going to be very easy to modify.
The album base I got on sale in Michaels and painted it white. so I did not build my own cover , spine and binding. If you want to do so yourself I cover it here.
I wanted to cut ALL the inserts out for ALL the pages and then start assembling and photographing the pages and posting BUT got to page three and looked at the amount of stuff I had cut out and WOW… I am starting to get a bit confused as to what goes were!
So, I am pausing all of that the cutting madness to go through the album, of what I have so far, and catalogue it here on my blog.
I will post both my screenshots of the modified files and the cut files. Note that there is no decorative page matting or embellishments cut out yet and I will post each page as I assemble them
The Album Base
As I mentioned, I did not build the base album from scratch but got this one on sale in Michaels. My Halloween base was built from scratch and if you want to make your own you can review the process here: Brag book Base
I am trying to keep all the pages as close to the Halloween layout in order to show how ease it is to adjust the digital files I developed. I may rearrange the layout as I go along to illustrate the flexibility of these files, because I know I won’t be able to resit reorganizing them!
Paper and Embellishments
- Base pages white Cardstock 8.5 inches x 11 inches from Recollections 65 lb. I was going to use the heavier weight Cardstock but I think it will make the album too bulky.
- Decorative paper for matting is Recollections Wisteria 12 inch x 12 inch.
- Decorative paper from Dollar tree Metallic silver 11 inches x 14.28 inches come in a pk of 5 different colours for $1.25
- Silver Vinyl
- Embellishments love birds purchased and free.
- Other wedding symbols to be determined
- Quotes to pint or cut to be determined.
- Magnets for closures
- Ribbon and other nick knacks as I find them
paper and Vinyl
Will add as I go along but this is the basics of what I intend to use.
Measurements for this project
- The Cover Measurements : 8 inches x 8.5 inches.
- The base page will be 8 inches x 8 inches and allow for a large photo mat 7.75 inches x 7.75 inches insert.
- The matting for base pages will have a 7. 75 inches x 7.75 inch