To attract Divine blessings and create a spiritual atmosphere, we will begin by reciting
a prayer you know from memory, Does anyone want to recite a prayer?

Today we will memorize the prayer about possessing a pure heart like a pearl. There is a cool experiment below to try if you like.


He is God! O God my God! Bestow upon me a pure heart, like unto a pearl.




Pure – Then impure – Then pure again (symbolizes purifying our heart. )



Want to send this prayer as a postcard?

Print and post it to a neighbour or a friend!



O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly, and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable, and everlasting.





1. One day Gerard and Mary were coloring in some drawings.  Gerard needed the yellow crayon, but Mary did not want to give it to him.  The teacher told Mary that she should share.  The teacher gave Mary good counsel.
2. Patricia has to decide whether to spend her money on cookies or on a storybook.  Her parents advised her to buy the storybook.  Her parents give Patricia good counsel.


1. Tinaye likes to read prayers before going to sleep.  She has a small prayer book to read from.  Tinaye possesses a small prayer book.
2. There was a flood and many people lost everything they possessed, but friends came to their aid, and soon they had the things they needed again.

Pure heart

1. Cathy became angry and screamed at Susan.  Susan was sad but quickly forgave Cathy.  Susan possesses a pure heart.
2. Jorge likes to share his cookies with all the children, even with Gustavo, who throws stones at him.  Jorge possesses a pure heart.

Kindly heart

1. When people in need come to her house, Ming Ling always takes care of them.  Ming Ling possesses a kindly heart.
2. Mr. Robertson is very old. Jimmy helps him carry his fruit harvest to the market.  Jimmy possesses a kindly heart.

Radiant heart

1. When I feel sad, my mother always cheers me up and makes me happy.  My mother possesses a radiant heart.
2. Obuya became ill and had to spend all his time in bed.  He says many prayers, does not become sad and continues to show forth happiness.  Obuya possesses a radiant heart.  


To memorize the quote, try taking out keywords in the sentence. Have the children have to work out together to find which word would best fit that gap


Word document with photos to help memorize the quote


Story of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá –  Purity Of Heart.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá could always tell what was in a person’s heart, and He greatly loved people whose hearts were pure and radiant. There was a lady who had the honor of being the guest of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at dinner. As she sat listening to His words of wisdom, she looked at a glass of water in front of her and thought, “Oh! If only ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would take my heart and empty it of every earthly desire and then refill it with divine love and understanding, just as you would do with this glass of water.”

This thought passed through her mind quickly, and she did not say anything about it, but soon something happened that made her realize ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had known what she was thinking. While He was in the middle of His talk, He paused to call a servant and said a few words to him in Persian. The servant quietly came to the lady’s place at the table, took her glass, emptied it, and put it back in front of her.

A little later, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, while continuing to talk, picked up a pitcher of water from the table, and in a most natural way, slowly refilled the lady’s empty glass. No one noticed what had happened, but the lady knew that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was answering her heart’s desire. She was filled with joy. Now she knew that hearts and minds were like open books to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Who read them with great love and kindliness.



Explain that kids will make a “rainstorm” of kindness. Being kind is contagious (ask them what contagious means). It may start off with one small act of kindness, but soon that one act with spread to someone else, and so on and so on. It will lead to other acts of kindness, and when those all get added together, they create an amazing “storm” of kindness.

Have kids stand in a circle. Tell them to each do what the teacher does when he/she looks at them and nods. Don’t do it until the teacher looks and nods. Starting at one spot in the circle, the teachers will have the children:

  • Rub hands together (sounds like rain starting to drizzle) 
  • Snap (or slap backs of hands, alternating) (bigger drops)
  • Clap out of rhythm (even bigger) 
  • Slap thighs (heavy rain)
  • Stomp feet (very heavy rain/thunder)
  • Then reverse steps, slapping thighs, then clapping, then snapping, then rubbing hands.
  •  Use soap to clean your hands after coming home from outside, and before eating.
  • Make sure to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing (cough into your sleeve or a tissue).
  •  Keep your distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing Activity Two
  • Clean your room or an area of the house where you spend time so that you can have a clean area to spend your time in. Cleanliness brings us closer to God.
  • Find a mirror in the house and clean one-half of it, then compare the difference between the clean side and the dirty side.

Begin with all the children in a circle, on chairs or cushions (can also take off their shoes and use them as markers). Each round begins with the teacher, who is outside the circle, calling out the following phrase: “The west wind blows on everyone who…”, continuing by referring to some characteristic that more than one child shares, such as blue eyes, black hair, blue pants, and so on. All the children who share that characteristic must then get up and switch places with each other. Each child must find a different seat from the one he or she was occupying before the call.

Care should be taken so that children do not push or collide with each other when switching seats. The circle should be wide enough to give all the children space to move when they are called.

Tie sticks to the children’s arms so they cannot bend their elbows, and then tell them to pretend that they are walking in a desert and are very, very thirsty. When they come upon water in cups, they have to find a way to drink it. They will discover that the only way is to help each other, being careful not to get each other wet.



Use salt dough or premade dough to make fridge magnets. You can also use a material like felt, heave cardboard or even a small wooden heart and attach the quote.

Folded Heart With Quote

Make A Kindness Jar

Notebook Insert


What is Kindness?

Kindness involves caring about the well-being of others. It means showing concern for anyone or anything you encounter, and recognizing that everything is part of God’s creation. You can extend kindness to people, animals, and the environment. Kindness means caring for others and the earth as much as, or even more than, you care for yourself.

Kindness is expressed through small gestures that brighten people’s lives, moments when you care for an animal, and daily acts of concern for the earth. It is shown by offering love and support to someone who is sad or in need of help.

Why Practice Kindness?

Without kindness, no one would respond when people or animals need help, everyone would be focused solely on themselves, and the world would be lonely. Acts of kindness help those in need and also benefit the giver. Everything in God’s creation is interconnected; unkindness towards any part of it ultimately affects us all.

Selfishness and a lack of kindness towards the earth have damaged the air, water, and land, causing suffering for both people and animals. By being kind, we recognize our connection to all living things, and this interconnectedness helps improve life for everyone.

How Do You Practice Kindness?

You practice kindness by recognizing when someone or something needs care. You have become attuned to the world around you. Use your imagination to think of ways to bring happiness to others—your parents, friends, teachers, siblings, and even acquaintances. Learn which habits harm or help the environment and choose more compassionate actions.

When you feel tempted to be cruel, criticize, or tease (even your siblings!), you choose not to. Instead of ignoring or mocking people who are different or have disabilities, you accept and include them. Practicing kindness also means taking excellent care of your pets.

Congratulations! You are practising kindness when you…
  • Give tender attention to someone who is sad or needs help
  • Do things that give others happiness
  • Practice habits that help the earth (reduce, reuse, recycle)
  • Resist the temptation to be cruel in your words and actions
  • Accept people who are different.
  • Take good care of animals
  • Remember your connection to all creation.

6 thoughts on “PURITY OF HEART”

  1. Karishma Chawla

    Speechless!!!! Its truly an amazing creation. I am a Bahai children’s class teacher. I too have prepared grade 1 all the 24 virtues pdfs, but this material is much much more advanced and explicit. This material will be of great help to me in my classes as after pandemic I am teaching online. Thanks a lot for including my name in your mailing list. Looking forward to more of such bahai links.

    1. Hi Karishma, Thank you so much for your comments. I am always looking for new resources to add to the lessons. These can be links to other websites, crafts anything that is of value to the parents and makes the process easier. If you have any to share, I would love to add to the content.

  2. Ratna Chatterjee

    Simply amazing 🤩 Thank you for compiling all in one & makes Baha’i teachers life so easy. I it really help us to plan class more systematically and engaging the children with activities.

    1. Dear Ratna, I am so happy this website is a good resource for you. If you find any that can be added to the lessons I would love to add them.

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