Bahá’i inspired Journal

Love journaling but can’t seem to find a great Baha’i Journal? We are developing a Baha’i Inspired Journal just for you!

Yep! Here is how it happened: a few of us on a Facebook group page got talking about the lack of a good Bahá’i journal and Lo and Behold a collaboration was born! We were looking to release it at Naw-Rúz but there was so much more planning and organizing to do than we thought, so we have only March and April done! Yeah for us!

For sure Ridván will see it available for download or print.

We think that this will make a great gift ideas for those who love to journal. If you need additional ideas for Holy day gifts, check out the easy pendant idea!

What does it look like?

At first we were playing around with each month having different colours but now we are thinking to just keep it simple.

Here is how we planned the layout:

  • The cover is a mandala with ta 9 pointed star.
  • The inside cover has a quote
mandala with nine pointed star
Image we will use for the cover of the Journal.
  • Next pages are the yearly Bad’i Calendar and the page opposite are the important Baha’i dates
  • Each month starts with a mandala to colour
  • Then there is a monthly calendar with all the important events happening like feasts and holy days
  • Each month will have a place to set goals for the month and the action steps for each.
A place to set some goal for the month
  • Then we saw a beautiful info-graph on what is needed to lead a Baha’i life and we turned this into a habit tracker for each month
  • We all need to remember the things that made us smile along the way and keep track of the random idea and thoughts. We gave these a page for themselves in a very free form manner.
  • I am always trying to remember a book I wanted to read or did read.
  • A piece of music or a podcast I want to remember
  • An event to attend
  • A service project I am involved in or would like to do: this page is a visual representative of that.

Weekly view:

  • For the weekly view we have each week of the month at a glance.
  • A planner for meal plans and exercise

Daily View Records :

  • The day, the Baha’i month and if there is a feast or holy day.
  • There is a quote inserted in the banner section not shown here
  • Quotes you love of want to remember
  • Appointments
  • Tracking a habit
  • Tasks
  • Meals
  • Who you are praying for
  • Space to record personal, work and home
  • A space to reflect

Then it is a repeat of these pages for each month.

We would love any feedback on this journal.

Download your free March / April and if you want to sign up for notice when the journal is complete then please do so here.


10 thoughts on “Bahá’i inspired Journal”

    1. Dear Tami,
      Thank you for your message. Three of us worked on the Journal and we have left it up to one person to revise for 2020. I have not yet heard back on a time frame but in the meantime I can send you the templated pages for you to print and use. These would be pages like goal setting, calendar (blank) to insert your activities in daily and monthly.
      I will get back to you regarding the printed journal.

      1. Hi Tami, Quick update, the new journals are almost ready, will keep you appraised as to where it is posted for sale!

    1. Dear Sharon,
      There are 3 of us who work on the journal and we ran into some unforeseen issues with our book publishing. What I can do is give you the Etsy page where the pages can be downloaded and printed as needed. Let me know if this works for you.

  1. I am very interested in your Baha’i inspired journal. I am curious though if you might be considering developing it without a specific year designation. This would make it flexible enough for someone to use it in any year and they could write in the year when they use it. Also, if someone bought the journal mid-year, they would also be able to use the first few months of the journal for the following or other subsequent year.

    Also, I have signed up for your email/newsletter updates. I did check ‘yes’ for Silouette and Cricket, although I don’t own either, I own a Scan-n-Cut and figure that many of the ideas can be converted for use with it.

    Warmest regards,
    Darla Brown

    “O FRIEND! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love…” ~Baha’u’llah

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