Seeking the Knowledge of God Grade 2 Set 3 Lesson 7


Through the ages, Messengers of God have appeared when we need them the most in order to guide us and give us more knowledge about God.

All the past Manifestations of God foretold the coming of the Day of God, a day when the peoples of the world would be united when wars and misery would disappear, and peace would be established on earth. Such prophecies, of course, point to the advent of Bahá’u’lláh. So potent is the measure of God’s bounty in this Day, and so excellent are the favors that are being showered upon humanity, that we have been blessed by two Manifestations of God, the Báb appearing only nine years before Bahá’u’lláh.

In seeking knowledge about God, we can read the Holy writings, ask questions, look at nature, and even explore spiritual concepts using science to help us figure stuff out. 

We strive to obey the commandments of God, with our words and deeds. We pray to Him to guide us and bring us closer to Him.  

Knowledge of God is intimately connected to love for Him

How do we get to know God?
  • We know God through those Special Beings that He sends to humanity from time to time Who brings us His laws and teachings.  These Special Beings come when humanity need help the most
  • By listening to the Words of the Manifestation of God for today
  • By studying His laws and teachings and applying them to our lives, we DRAW CLOSER TO GOD.
  • By observing nature all around us
  • By meditating, praying, and listening for the answer

Searching for God

Abdu’l-Baha explains that, when we look at the world, we see the signs of God’s perfections everywhere.  As we think about His words and try to understand their meaning, we are able to see God’s tokens and signs all around us.  The sun shines and gives light, warmth, and life to the world, reminding us of the love of God, without which we would perish.  The rain falls on the earth just as the bounties of God are continuously showered upon our souls.  A mountain rises towards the heavens calling to mind His majesty and grandeur. 

When we start our search, we must purify our hearts,. We must open our hearts to the truth. We must not let “veils” get in the way of our search.  Does anyone know what type of Veils could prevent us from finding God? 

Here are a few examples:

  1. We think we know everything
  2. We think we are smarter than everyone else
  3. We are not detached
  4. We…


This prayer talks about feeding our spirit with God’s guidance, love, and light. Having our actions praise God and that God is our companion on the journey of our life. He is with us at all times- we are NEVER alone.

O my Lord! Make Thy beauty to be my food, and Thy presence my drink, and Thy pleasure my hope, and praise of Thee my action, and remembrance of Thee my companion, and the power of Thy sovereignty my succorer, and Thy habitation my home, and my dwelling-place the seat Thou hast sanctified from the limitations
imposed upon them who are shut out as by a veil from Thee. Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Most Powerful.



The following ideas will help you formulate your introduction to the quotation for today’s lesson:

Throughout our lives, we strive to obey the commandments of God and to reflect in all our actions qualities such as love, justice, humility, and generosity, praying to Him daily to guide us and to strengthen us. We are also dedicated to seeking knowledge of God and of His creation in all that we do. As our knowledge of God increases, so does our love for Him. But what does it mean to gain knowledge of God? We know God through those Special Beings that He sends to humanity from time to time Who bring us His laws and teachings. By listening to the words of the Manifestation of God for today, by studying His laws and teachings, and applying them to our lives, we draw closer to God. Of course, we also have to learn more and more about God’s creation and do our best to study the universe and understand its workings. And as we do so, we see that every created thing speaks to us of God’s greatness and glory.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains that, when we look at the world, we see the signs of God’s perfections everywhere. As we reflect on His words and try to understand their meaning, we are able to discern God’s tokens and signs all around us. The sun shines and gives light, warmth and life to the world, reminding us of the love of God, without which we would perish. The rain falls on the earth just as the bounties of God are continuously showered upon our souls. A mountain rises towards the heavens calling to mind His majesty and grandeur. To help us remember the importance of acquiring knowledge, especially knowledge of God, let us memorize the following quotation:

The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable 
 him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence.



  • Purpose
  • Enable  
  • Attain
  • Presence

The room was very dark, so Nina lit a candle.  The purpose of a candle is to give light

The teacher gave the students some exercises to help them improve their mathematical skills.  The purpose of the exercises was to strengthen the students’ ability to add and subtract.

Only good teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time

Ming’s family had to take a train for 3 days and then a bus for 2 more in order to reach their ancestral village.  Only after several days of travel by train and by bus did they attain their destination.

The farmers decided that a fence was needed to stop their cattle (cows) from going onto the road.  They worked together in building the fence and, through diligence and cooperation, attained their goal.

Whenever the king enters the room, his subjects bow down before him.  His subjects bow in His presence.

Emilio’s parents asked him to take his little sister out of the room because they did not want to carry on their discussion in her presence.



A Story About Mirza Abu’l-Fadl Becoming a Baha’i(SHORTENED)
Mirza Abu’l-Fadl was known for his deep knowledge and ability to explain complex spiritual ideas.

In his youth, he studied mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and Arabic, mastering these subjects in addition to his native Persian. He became a professor at a university in Tehran, Iran.

One afternoon, Mirza Abu’l-Fadl and his companions set out on donkeys to visit the countryside. When a donkey lost a shoe, they stopped at a blacksmith’s shop.

Blacksmith: “Sir, may I ask you a question that has puzzled me?”

Mirza Abu’l-Fadl: “Yes, of course.”

Blacksmith: “Is it true that each drop of rain is accompanied by an angel from heaven?”

Mirza Abu’l-Fadl: “Yes, it is true.”

Blacksmith: “Is it true that if there is a dog in a house, no angel will visit that house?”

Mirza Abu’l-Fadl: “Yes, it is true.”

Blacksmith: “Then no rain should fall on a house with a dog.”

Mirza Abu’l-Fadl had no answer and left the shop embarrassed. He later learned that the blacksmith was a Bahá’í. They shared a mutual friend, a draper who was also a Bahá’í, who invited Mirza Abu’l-Fadl to discussions. In these meetings, his questions and objections were answered in simple and wise ways, leaving him at a loss.

For several months, Mirza Abu’l-Fadl continued to meet with various Bahá’ís, some quite scholarly themselves. Finally, he turned his heart to God, seeking the truth. He became convinced of Bahá’u’lláh’s mission and, after nearly a year, became a devoted believer and teacher of the Bahá’í Faith.



Treasure Hunt

When we are going in search of anything, we have an idea of what we are looking for. Sometimes we find it and sometimes we don’t. Other times, we are surprised, and even pleased by what else we find. The process is one of learning and joy. It is the same when we clear our hearts and start our spiritual search. 

Today we will do a physical search of our immediate environment.

The activities that follow will help the children continue developing the skills and abilities of creative drama.

Ask your students to stand in their imaginary squares.  As you did in the previous lesson, have the children stand about 5 feet apart and imagine that they are in their own squares.  Ask them to walk along the border of his/her imaginary square. Ask children to raise up their arms and stretch from the tips of their toes to the tips of their fingers, reaching towards the sky.  Now the children are going to relax and let their arms and heads hang freely.  Repeat this several times.

Ask students to stand in a circle.  Choose one child to be the “investigator” and tell him/her to leave the area where the class is being held.  Now choose another child to be the “initiator”.  Explain to the children that this child will lead the group in a series of simple movements.  For example, he or she may do several circles with the left arm, several with the right arm, then bend down and touch the ground several times, and so on.  The rest of the children should try to follow the movements so quickly and so closely that the “investigator” is unable to discover who the “initiator” is.  Are you ready?  Ok- have the investigator come and stand in the middle of the circle.  Can he/she discover the “initiator”?  Once the child has guessed correctly, repeat the exercise, choosing a new child to be the “investigator” and another to be the “initiator”.  If time allows, repeat the game several times so that every child can be the “investigator” or the “initiator” at least once.

Now we are going to move on to an activity that relates to the theme of today’s lesson- the importance of seeking knowledge, particularly knowledge of God.  In all created things, we see the signs of God. I am going to ask you to act out, in turn, different things we see in nature.  Each of you is going to have a turn to act something out, while the rest of the class guesses what it is.  I will come and whisper in your ear the thing from nature that you are going to act out one at a time and the class will then get a chance to guess as you act it out.


I Spy Bottle

Use the I SPY activity in the simple lapbook as a craft. You can use the ziploc bag or a jar


This activity was suggested by the kids. Make cute shield and a video

Baha’i House of Worship.

These Houses of Worship are open to everyone to come and say prayers. All the religious texts are found here for anyone to read. If you were commissioned to build the next House of Worship, what would it look like?


Ruhi book 3  Grade 2 Lessons 7, 8 and 9 Lapbook
Ruhi book 3 Grade 2 Lessons 7, 8 and 9 Lapbook


Review the quotation from today’s lesson, and then remind the children of the qualities of trustworthiness and radiance and the quotations they memorized in Grade 1:

Supremely lofty will be thy station, if thou remainest steadfast in the Cause of thy Lord


Know that thy true adornment consisteth in the love of God and in thy detachment from all save Him . . .





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