Trustworthy Ruhi BK 3 Grade 1 Lesson 19

Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness


  • What is Trustworthiness?
  • How are we Trustworthy?
  • Why should we practice the virtue of Trustworthiness?
  • When do we practice the virtue of Trustworthiness? 


Prayer Heading Ruhi Book 3 grade 1
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness

We will continue to memorize the prayer “Thy Name Is My Healing…”

Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

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Thy Name Is My Healing
Luke Slott: Thy Name Is My Healing
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness
Red Grammer Trust
Quote heading Grade 1 Ruhi bk 3
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness

One of the greatest qualities in the sight of God is trustworthiness. A trustworthy person is truthful and honest and can be counted on to keep his or her word. We should not say one thing but do another. Our actions should always reflect our words. When we are trustworthy, others can be sure that we will do our best to fulfill our responsibilities and carry out our duties. In this way, people are able to work together in harmony, knowing that everyone will do his or her part. To help us remember the importance of trustworthiness, let us memorize the following quotation:

Trustworthiness is the greatest portal leading unto the tranquility and security of the people.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas

Meaning Of Words


  1. Athos promised his mother that he would help her to prepare dinner. When his friends came to his house to invite him to play outside, Athos remembered the promise he had made to his mother and told his friends he would play with them another time. Athos showed the quality of trustworthiness.
  2. Sunita went to the store to pick up some things for her family, but she found she had not brought enough money to pay for everything they needed. She asked the store’s owner if she could bring the rest of the money the next day. The owner said this was fine because she knew Sunita was trustworthy and would pay for the items as promised.


  1. Whenever Emilio has to make an important decision, he tries to find a quiet place to think and meditate. He goes to a quiet garden nearby. In its tranquility, he is able to clear his mind and heart.
  2. Once the great storm had passed, everything became unusually quiet and still. Peace and tranquility followed the storm.


  1. When a baby animal is frightened, it will often run back to its mother for safety. The mother provides security to her young ones.
  2. The hiker went off the trail and got lost in the woods. When he did not return, the guides from the village went out to look for him. He felt a sense of security when they found him, knowing that they would lead him back to safety.

Sign the Quote

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Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3
Story heading Grade 1 Ruhi bk 3
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness

Story About Trustworthiness

Years ago, in the early days of the Faith, there were only a small number of Bahá’ís, spread out over several countries. They faced many challenges and often wrote to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in the Holy Land with news and questions. Their letters traveled over long distances before reaching Him, and He would answer each one with great love and care. His words of encouragement strengthened them and cheered their hearts. And so it was crucial that this stream of communication not be disrupted.

Now, there lived in the area at the time a Bahá’í by the name of Muḥammad-Taqí. He had come from Persia many years earlier as a young man and had established a small business. Gradually he became known for his unwavering reliability. So dependable was he that all the mail for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in the Holy Land and the responses sent abroad passed through the home of Muḥammad-Taqí. Everyone knew that he could be trusted to make sure each piece of mail was delivered promptly and securely.

But, then, the enemies of the Faith rose up against ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. They became jealous of the love and respect people showed to Him. They hoped they could bring about His exile, or worse still, His execution. Spies were planted all around His house, and He was kept under constant watch. How pleased His enemies would have been if they could have stopped the flow of correspondence and broken the link between ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the devoted Bahá’ís in other countries; how much more if they could have stolen some document that could be used to mislead the authorities!

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, however, was not deterred. He could often be seen late into the night, writing by the light of His lamp; for He had ensured a secure means for the receipt and dispatch of mail. What do you think He did?

You see, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá knew His enemies recognized the important work Muḥammad- Taqí carried out. They would no doubt try to intercept the mail routed through him. So ‘Abdu’l-Bahá sent Muḥammad-Taqí to a nearby place in a neighboring country, where he was out of danger. Then others, whom His enemies did not suspect, carried in and out of the Holy Land all the mail to Muḥammad-Taqí. And, from this safe spot, he continued to faithfully receive and dispatch mail, never faltering in the trust ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had placed in him. So it was that, even in the most difficult times, communication with the Holy Land was never cut off and guidance continued to reach friends in the most remote places.

Game heading Grade 1 Ruhi bk 3
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness

A Guide

Divide your students into pairs and ask them to hold hands with their partners. Blindfold one child in each pair and have the other child lead him or her around, making sure he or she does not stumble along the way. For an added challenge, the blindfolded child can be guided around obstacles such as tree trunks, ditches, rocks, and tires. Once a bond of trust has been established between partners in this way, the blindfolded child can be guided using verbal instructions alone. In that case, the guide should follow close behind in order to catch the child should he or she stumble.

As an alternative to the above game, all the children can be blindfolded and form a train, led by you or one of the students.


If your mom asks you to pick up your toys, can she count on you to do it?

Can she count on you to pick up those toys, even if she isn’t looking?

Come up with examples of how we can build trust in each other. 

What happens if we lie about one of those things: It has taken a long time to build your mum’s trust in you. But it doesn’t take long at all to destroy the tower of trust. What if you tell your mum you picked up all your toys, and she finds them under the rug? Will that help her trust you?  Every untrue thing you say takes away a little of the trust people have in you.

Use woodblocks like Jenga to illustrate how long it takes to build the tower vs how easy it is to topple the tower



  • Your mother sent you to the store and asked you to bring back the change.
  • Your friend told you a secret that he doesn’t want anyone else to know?
  • You promised to do a chore but start to get distracted by TV or a book.
  • Someone asks you to do something that you know in your heart is too hard for you to do.
  • You have a daily job to do for your family, like setting the table for dinner, and you don’t feel like doing it?

More Ideas



Craft heading Grade 1 Ruhi bk 3
Lesson 19 Grade 1 Ruhi Book 3 Trustworthiness

Based On The Story

Importance of letters. Have you ever written a note or letter to anyone and got worried it might not arrive? As we read in the story, the Baha’is across the world were always worried about the security of the mail they sent to the Holy Land.

  1. Write a letter and post it to a friend, Your Local Spiritual Assembly, The National Spiritual Assembly, or even the Universal House of Justice
  2. Write a note to a family member This link has a cute template.
  3. Play a BINGO-style game as seen here
  4. Use strips of paper for children to write a note. Join them up in a loop….this is from the story “the link between ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the devoted friends”


Make a mailbox and post letters and cards to each other.

A mini postbox can be made from a small box like a matchbox. Printable mini letters can be downloaded here

Trustworthy Friend Kit

Create a “trustworthy friend kit”: Make a friendship kit to remind children of what it takes to be a trustworthy friend. Ask the students to label an envelope or ziplock baggie “Friendship Kit” and decorate it. Have them place the things on the list below inside the envelope. Cut out the list and put it in the friendship kit, too. Ask the children to take their friendship kit home and tell their family what each thing in the kit stands for. 

  • Tape- – Stick up for your friend. 
  • Bandage- Never let a friend do anything to harm himself or herself. 
  • Button- “Button your lips” and keep a secret for a friend. 
  • Candy Heart- Have the courage to do the right thing. 
  • Word Card: Truth- Remember to always speak the truth. Be honest and sincere with your friend. 
  • Eraser- Everyone makes mistakes. Forgive a friend’s mistakes. 
  • Mint- A trustworthy friend is worth a mint. 

Based On Quote

Trustworthiness is the greatest portal leading unto the tranquility and security of the people.“Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas

A portal is a doorway. Have a door with “trustworthiness is…” written stuck to a page. Only stick long edge down so that the “door” opens.

Inside write “The greatest portal leading unto the tranquility and security of the people.

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