Brag Book 101 Page 4

Upwards and Onwards as they say! Page 4 side 1 is complete and I found an owner for it! One of my friends LOVES Halloween is having a  BIG Birthday so … instant gift!

For page 4,  I am using 2-page inset files that I created for my Etsy store and Fiverr . These inserts fold up like folios and can be used as is , attach to a base page or resized to fit on half a page. The inserts are made up of many pages with flaps and folds that you can add envelopes, slots and other goodies to. Although I am decorating the pages in the Halloween theme, it is a template that can be used for any occasion and with any paper.

If you have been following the Brag Book 101 posts, you may remember that I am making a wedding book side by side with this but sizing the files to fit the 8 x8 pre-made book and pages. I will post the finished book at the end as I want the focus to be the construction of this book at then you can all be wowed with the second wedding book!

Here are screenshots of 5 of my digital inserts

These pages fold out and have tons of space for photos and journaling. Remember if you want one of my files let me know and I will send you one when you subscribe.

Insert one for Side one of Page 4

Here are all the pieces cut out of black card stock

This is insert-1 with the mats  …. they are not stuck down as I was still not sure where I wanted my magnets . I was also not sure if I was going to add envelopes/ pockets : This insert set has one envelope attached as shown in the photo with a key to highlight..

Here are the pages with the Halloween theme and my pockets added to the pages

Side 2

As I mentioned, for side 2 of page 4, I am using the layout insert-2. All the inserts fold up like a folio and have a flap that closes it all up. Insert-2  has lots of long flaps so it takes more paper to mat this insert, but it does give you a lot of space for journaling and photos. 

In all of the inserts, flaps can be eliminated if needed and you can have lots of variety for the pages on how they attach, if you add pockets or waterfall pages to the existing layout or not. The only thing to worry about is making sure it does not get TOO bulky!.

Insert 2 cut out of black cardstock

Will finish up the mats and post the finish side 2 of page 4 next time.

My question is this: Will these now all fit in the hinge system I was planning on using? Will they lie flat and be easy to open? I am looking for all ideas and suggestions.

Don’t forget to subscribe and get the file you want…just send me a note letting me know which one.


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